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Agarwood - Agarwood Incense - Premium Agarwood Incense

Cẩm Nang

Hương Xưa Đức Thụ

Agarwood - Agarwood Incense - Premium Agarwood Incense is a convenient and simple way to taste incense. Agarwood has a soothing effect on nerves and has a good conditioning effect on insomnia, dreams, etc. Buddhists believe that agarwood is the only sacred thing that can communicate with the Three Realms.

Agarwood aroma can remove room odor and purify the environment. Agarwood before bedtime helps sleep. Natural agarwood will have a sweet aroma when lit.


Agarwood incense image produced by Duc Thu

Agarwood Incense is produced by modern machinery of Duc Thu to keep the ethereal fragrance of incense. must choose agarwood from nature, not using chemicals. Light a stick of incense in the room, the ethereal fragrance will calm our physical and mental state, calm our nerves and relieve stress. At the same time, the fragrance can eliminate odors in the room to help improve sleep.

Agarwood is known as one of the masterpieces of the art of enjoying agarwood, so it is not difficult for you to find a box of incense in any agarwood store on the market. However, to own a quality bass box at a good price, you should prioritize choosing reputable suppliers, trusted and chosen by many customers.


Agarwood incense image produced by Duc Thu

Frankincense The characteristics of natural agarwood are brown, burning less smoke, emitting a gentle, pleasant aroma, a mild fragrance, helping to refresh the spirit without causing difficulty breathing, stuffy nose, stinging eyes. Green incense box, red logo, hand-painted fairy scene of 2 deer have spread to customers in Vietnam and many countries around the world.

This agarwood incense box should not be placed in humid, or easy places to avoid affecting the quality. If you need to clean, you should only use a clean soft cloth, or cotton cloth to dry, limit contact with water so as not to moisten.


The image of high-class incense sticks produced by Huong Xua Duc Thu

Agarwood - Agarwood Incense - Premium Agarwood Incense We have guaranteed and trusted natural agarwood products. with incense sticks made from Vietnamese agarwood. Woody with sweet and camphoric notes, this magic will unlock your subconscious.

  • Box of 79 sticks
  • Box height 30 cm, 2 cm thick, Width 6cm
  • 30 minutes after burning
  • Burn less smoke
  • Long lasting scent

Agarwood not only bring people's health, but also clean space at cultural and spiritual sites such as Temples, Pagodas, Mieu, Phu... This entry was posted in the manual and tagged with incense products. clean from herbs

Duc Thu Old Perfume

DUC THU HUONG QUALITY PRODUCTS SPECIALIZED IN SUPPLYING CLEAN incense products, DUC THU wants to learn and develop natural herbs that can be smelled different from Vietnam.

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